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The General principles of bodybuilding

You are a newbie in the fascinating world of bodybuilding? Then, first and foremost, you need to understand the basic principles and ideas of muscle growth! If you don't know basic facts, you will be able to compensate for the lack of facts, knowledge of the mechanisms and principles! And having dealt with them, you will surely achieve significant results!

You want to have a mountain of pumped up muscle as quickly as possible? Read this section of the book! Read? You probably have many questions. Do not worry, all difficulties can be overcome solvable problems, achievable goals!

Let's start with the first, most important principle of fast muscle growth! Following this principle, you will invariably attract the attention of not only "colleagues on exercise equipment" but also the opposite sex!

The Principle Of "Recovery"

What for you is bodybuilding? Sports? Pumped up muscle? Abs? Flat belly sexy model? For each of you define your bodybuilding, personal. But the fitness needs to become not just a physical exercise, it needs to become your way of life, style of life! After all, you are going to do it 24 hours a day. I think I'll make you do push-UPS at night? No! Be aware that night comes the most important thing. Rapid muscle growth occurs not during training, and during the holidays! Paradox? But it's true! Therefore, do not need training, long exhausting your muscles. Need a rest, during which there is a "training recovery". After training in the muscles there are small gaps. At rest, the recovery breaks and then the muscles adapt to the loads. Muscles grow when you sleep. Very convenient, isn't it? Therefore, the balance between training and rest must be observed unconditionally and unreservedly!

The Principle Of "Overload"

Have you observed frequent visitors to gyms that months remain in the "same time"? No muscle bulging belly, has practically no changes! Do you know why? Because they do not increase the weight load. Each time the same load, same weight, same, painfully familiar exercises. Accordingly, the same result (or lack thereof).

Note: every time every workout you need to increase the load to put difficult task. Naturally, gradually, but every (!) time. If muscles do not increase the load (multiple repetitions, more weight in comparison with the previous exercise), muscles will not increase its size. All natural! You need to set the goal much higher to overload your muscles. Then the muscles adapt to seeminglyback-breaking tasks, and soon you will be amazed at the progress! You will see it with your own eyes!

And again. If you take this principle to his credo in the training, the result will exceed all your expectations!

The Principle Of "Diary"

You know, what is the secret of significant achievements in bodybuilding? That will help you organize, plan training sessions, remember the principle of overload and other important principles? It's a diary. "Ordinary diary" — you ask? No, unusual! Training diary! In it you will note the weight is taken by you last time, weight, planned to take today. In it you will add other, very important thing. About how to fill in the diary I'll discuss later. I think I'll manage without him? Well, well... Then, friends, do not be surprised by the lack of progress...

The principle of "Men and women"

I'll tell you the thing you never expected me to say. There is no difference between training weak and strong floor. There is a difference in targeting. What you want from training women? Flat stomach, toned thighs and buttocks. And men? Muscle definition, six pack abs, fast muscle growth. Men have a different hormonal balance, which helps their muscles to grow. So genetically. If a woman wants a "masculine" figure, she needs not only lessons in the hall and hormones. And the usual trips to the gym will only make her figure supple, trained.

The Principle Of "Exercises"

All exercises can be classified into several parts:

  • the number of muscles involved in exercise (insulating base).
  • in the direction of the vector (pulling or pushing).
  • groups of muscles on which the load is applied (for the abdomen, legs, back and so on).

You newbies are recommended to first place the basic exercises. These exercises ensure rapid growth in all muscle groups. Classic basic exercises are performed using load (barbells, dumbbells), but not trainers! Their principle of operation the task easier for you. You need it? Remember the principle of overload! You must correctly perform the exercises, then the muscles will be developed.

The Principle Of "Repetition"

What is the repetition? This exercise from beginning to end. Usually done 6-12 reps. This is because it is the number of repetitions provides the most rapid muscle growth (and that's what we do and achieve, isn't it?). So you can perform this number of repetitions, lower the weight to 60-70% of what could take only once. Well, for example. If lying down I can squeeze the bar weighing 100 pounds, with weights 70 kgs I would do 6 to 8 repetitions. A series of repetitions foronce called one approach or set.

The principle of "Approaches (sets)"

Any exercise should be done in a certain number of sets. Sometimes you can load to downplay or to exaggerate. The optimum amount for rapid growth of muscles in one simple exercise 2 to 4 business approaches. Sometimes to them is added the sets with the minimum weight, the warm-up. For muscle groups in bodybuilding exercises 2-4 use of, respectively, 4 to 16 sets for one workout. It is written as follows: bench press 4X6 – 8. That is 4 sets of 6-8 reps. That's the math!

The Principle Of "Waiver"

This principle is directly linked to the principle of overload. How to understand that muscle is overloaded? When there is muscular failure, that is, fatigue of the muscles. In this fatigue proper technique of the exercise you have not. You don't do push-UPS in full force, do partial presses. Muscular failure is the guarantee sufficient load on the muscles. If you have stayed before, i.e. at the moment when you can still do the exercise, then your muscles are not receiving the load, therefore, do not grow. And you need to muscle grew and grew!


Previously, every bodybuilder had only one type of workout. The monotony of the exercises had to compensate for a significant number of exercises and approaches. Therefore, due to tiredness, it was very difficult to use all muscle groups and a full work out with them. And, therefore, the effectiveness of training was low.

Then instead of training I decided to load different muscle groups. This system is called "Split" (in English means "splitting"). On different days it is assumed the pumping of different muscles. As a rule, training takes 2-3 days then one day rest. Splits very broad, but after each training day, a mandatory day of rest! And all muscles of the body get enough pressure once in 4-8 days.

The Principle Of "Food"

The most difficult principle. But for someone like...the point is, you need to completely rethink your diet. The reward for this will be high level sports achievements. So that the muscles grow faster, you should eat more often, but reduce the portions. This , in turn, will accelerate the metabolism. And also need to increase the amount of building material for muscles is protein. In proportion to 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. 70 kg – 3.5 kg of protein. Impressive? Impressive?

Protein is found in eggs, fish, meat and dairy products. Protein shake? A great optionespecially at night!

The Principle Of "Growth"

The most important thing – desire. With the help of this incredible tool as bodybuilding, you can get a great body. To build muscle, or maybe just some crunches? It will work if you have the desire and perseverance in achieving the goal. You are not yet familiar with the unique capabilities of your body. Looking at professional athletes, remember that they were once in your place. Many do not know how, did not know, was afraid. I started with a small weight, gradually increasing the load. But today they are on top of the podium. So take a step towards him. Constantly grow, don't just stand there! Will change your body for the better!