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Running and bodybuilding. Harm... or good?

Starting to train in bodybuilding are often interested in the impact of running on improving muscle building is it effective for weight. Let's try to figure this out. In the sports world there are two, completely opposite points of view on this issue.

So, harmful or beneficial Jogging for a set of muscle mass the bodybuilder?

Clearly harmful – so say the supporters, sticking to the version of the harm of running athlete in bodybuilding, and their position is substantiated by the fact that Jogging negatively affects the condition of the athlete, as it is an extraneous load that is causing the athlete only sweating and drove the fat, resulting is a loss of precious muscle mass. In addition, running requires a lot of energy, causing the body is no longer able to work in the gym, giving it with full dedication and in the end, the effect of training is significantly reduced.

But there is an opposite opinion to the contrary. According to this version, which is shared by supporters of your run – running is for muscle building is extremely helpful. Muscle mass requires an adequate blood supply moderate load, which is achieved in the process of running. Therefore, bodybuilders need to add to their loads on the ground in the gym and even jog – run recommended distance of five to ten kilometers a day. The maximum effect can be achieved if you divide exercise and Jogging, performing them on different days. And although Jogging directly muscle mass will not increase, but will be a pretty powerful motivating factor for this.

Discussions about the compatibility of run with bodybuilding does not subside, staying relevant topic to the present. It is possible to understand the logic of the two opposing in this matter, the parties and so to determine on which side the truth is no one can. The following are the different aspects of the impact of Jogging on the body of the exercising, the muscle growth of a bodybuilder, and provides an answer to the question of whether Jogging in addition to training in the gym.

The effects of running on muscle growth

In the process of getting rid of excess weight or rather, fatty component, is inevitably lost, and some part of the valuable for an athlete muscle building which again is impossible without a set of fat mass. Thus, the impression is that running, steadily burning calories, a priori, useful to the bodybuilder can be. But, looking at it from a different angle, you can come to the conclusion that Jogging is not only able to remove those extra pounds and speed up weightmuscles.

The fact that aerobic exercise provoking the destruction of muscle fibers is a well-known fact. And for this reason some athletes abandon them, not even suggesting that aerobic exercise, including Jogging, accelerate metabolic process and, in fact, are the real natural anabolics. Adhering to this view on running, it can be considered really real athlete, not harmful. In fact, however, is not so simple as it seems at first glance.

Jogging really contribute to the destruction of muscle fibers and if you overdo it without taking certain measures, for the bodybuilder, this can impact the loss of muscle. To Jogging really benefits the athlete and for the effective combining Jogging with bodybuilding, you must know and follow some certain rules. Aerobic exercise require the expenditure of large amounts of energy, the main supplier where in the body are carbohydrates. Therefore, if in order to weight the athlete makes morning and evening runs, you need the maximum reduction of the use of carbohydrates in order to body as fuel began to use the natural reserves of body fat. It is expedient to increase in the diet proportion of protein to avoid loss of muscle fibers.

If the athlete intends to use running as a natural anabolic, it should, on the contrary, to increase the consumption of carbohydrates, thereby improving respectively the energy resources of the body. The amount of protein can be left unchanged. This is the case, when body fat bodybuilder will not decrease, but significantly increase the effectiveness of its security training. In addition, Jogging contribute to the growth of endurance, allowing the athlete to recover faster after heavy loads.

What are the benefits of Jogging. The development of endurance.

Jogging allows the body with sweat also actively excrete waste products and toxins, and to normalize metabolism. Due to the additional supply of oxygen to all the cells of the body, including the brain and muscle tissue, are cleared. That positively affects the muscles and CNS (Central nervous system), especially the parts of the brain. The good functioning of the CNS involves coordinated work of muscles, high resistance to post-workout stress, more effective growth of muscles, reducing the risk of injury and overtraining syndrome. Aerobic exercise is very effective in accelerating growthmuscle fibers, increasing muscle reserves and giving an additional impetus to their development.

Like all other cyclical exercise, running promotes the maximum development of General endurance of an organism. It is strengthened in the load train the cardiovascular and respiratory system, improves blood circulation, aktiviziruyutsya metabolic processes.

What benefit from this gets the bodybuilder?

  • Endurance developed as a result of Jogging, will allow the athlete to train more efficiently and become more self-confident. It will recover quicker after strength training. Running gives the athlete more features, allowing you to engage more intensively by increasing the loads, which accelerates the growth of his muscles.
  • Regular aerobic exercise forces the body to burn calories, transforming fat into energy that is needed for recuperation of the athlete and the result is improving the terrain of the body.
  • Thanks running great pumped muscles of the legs. In the process of doing the heavy basic exercises aimed at working the legs, are utilized mainly large muscle and small muscle fibers remain without work, which is not conducive to their development. Running allows you to engage in work and small muscles that will be involved in the military exercises. This will increase the working weights, that will accompany the growth of big muscles to work with this overweight.

Running in the bodybuilding becomes a kind of compensation that the athlete is unable to fully get into power training, and creates the necessary balance. Training in the gym strengthen the cardiovascular system, but can't get it to work in full force. The same is also obtained in respect of the relief of numerous training programs designed to improve it is the terrain, wear down and take away the strength of the athlete. Jogging allow, without undue effort to make progress in this direction.

Running and somatotype

Knowing now that bodybuilding and running it is possible to combine and, only in this case only necessary to clearly understand the purpose of including Jogging in the training program should also take into account the somatotype (body type) training. Body type is determined by the General character of training both in the gym and outside it, in all cases, when we are talking about different training combinations, including the combination of bodybuilding with running. The need for a combination exercise bodybuilding with exercises that increase flexibility and endurance, said Yuri Vlasov.

Regardless of the definition, somatotypeshould be considered even body type, but a sort of constitutional psychology body according to the theory developed by Shelton and Krechmera. The theory is the following – there are three basic kinds of Constitution, between which is a wide variety of transient types. According to Shelton and Kretschmer, each body type has its own psychology, although in terms of bodybuilding, it is secondary – the main thing here is that via the addition of an athlete is determined by the direction of the development of his body and its adjustments. Knowing your body type is most effective to combine a gym with Jogging.


Ectomorphy, also called hardgainer belong to the slim type of addition. And at first glance it seems that ectomorphs combining strength training with running absolutely nothing, given that aerobic exercise designed to reduce fat that the lean athletes are almost there. On the other hand, during running mainly involved muscle fibers are considered "slow" — red fiber, densely permeated by a capillary network. The same, but a little less work when running fiber intermediate type between fast and slow (red and white).

When you exercise with weights, the work included fiber fast, and to a lesser extent, intermediate type. What follows from this? Ectomorphy by combining a workout in the gym and running have the ability to quickly and effectively build muscle mass as a result, full load on all muscle fibers and, accordingly, they have all prerequisites for building up muscle throughout. The classic combination of bodybuilding with Jogging they will not fit. Popular option leading to an excellent result would be to split them in time – running is done on days when no workout.

Do not forget about the main thing – not one day of back-breaking load of the muscle combining exercises for legs and running muscle tissue will not have time to recover, the result is overtraining in which the athlete should avoid. The same thing, you should not do Jogging with acceleration, because they affect fast fibers and destroy the reserves of glycogen, recovering from Ektomorf quite slowly. Running ectomorfo recommended to run slowly, at a slow pace. Valid with the additional weights, the Shin guards and belt. To start cross country training is recommended for a maximum of two times a week.


src="/bodybuilding/images/270-5.jpg" title="" width="" alt="" width="">Endomorphy refer to the full type of addition body. First of all Jogging they recommended just using the local accelerations, as the result of this is noticeable (to 7%) increase in metabolic rate for 20 to 24 hours after cross-country training. It is also important that endomorphy have to do a run directly after the gym. When exercises with weights muscles burned all the glycogen stores and while running, the only source of energy remain fat that aerobic exercise effectively spent.

Important to choose correctly time for Jogging. The most well-burns excess fat while Jogging, but if the training in the gym takes place in the evening, to combine in such a sequence it with your morning Jogging is not possible. Perfect transfer of both workouts in the morning. If that is not possible, then there are two options. First – run as in the morning and the evening after weight training that endomorph is an advantage, but sometimes that is not always possible to implement this. The second option is the implementation of a morning run in the off strength training days and strength training Jogging after it. Post-workout mileage need not be accompanied by local accelerations, only have to run daily.


To combine running with bodybuilding for mesoform (athletic bone structure of the body means to receive an excellent opportunity to comprehensively develop the body – force simultaneously with the endurance. Athletic type recommended running without acceleration, at the same pace, with the result that the burden falls only on the slow fibers, while almost no consumption of glycogen. While strength training is the growth of mainly fast fibers, while in the Jogging workout is slow. Athletic type appropriate alternating days at the gym with running.

Knee joints

Regardless of belonging to a particular type of addition body, by combining Jogging and bodybuilding, it is necessary to remember about the health of the knee. Squats concurrent with Jogging significantly increase the risk of injury that is most relevant for "pure" endomorph and ectomorph and athlete, whose addition is intermediate between them – all of them distinguished by a relatively weak development of the tendons and muscle tissue.

Therefore, it is recommended echoforum jogthe length is only 20-25 minutes at a time and perform squats with the maximum weight in the two approaches when the number of repetitions to five. Indofarma need to do a run that lasts 40-50 minutes and, combining the gym with Jogging, squats, it is recommended to reduce the weight of the rod and run them no more than two approaches.

Painless can combine bodybuilding with treadmill exercise only metformi, including similar intermediate types between them and the other two main somatotypes.


We have now discussed all the main aspects of combining strength training in the gym and running sessions. We know that treadmill training alone will not help to increase muscle mass, however it will be useful in the training of every bodybuilder because it is a natural anabolic, promoting and accelerating the recruitment of muscle mass. Because of this, all athletes, in addition to strength training, it is recommended to jog. Needless to say that the main emphasis should be on strength training. Run here play a complementary role, and they should not much to get involved in order to avoid injury. You must consider body type when compiling the program of training, do not forget about the peculiarities of the processes of the body, responsible for the restoration and growth of muscle fibers. Choosing the right athlete is a guarantee that the athlete will provide a significant progress, increasing quality muscle definition.

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