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The production of the drug Andriol began more than two decades ago. But despite this, he was not immediately recognized among the majority of bodibilderov. Even a bit surprising.

This drug together with methyltestosterone is one of the drugs that are taken orally. But compared with the same methyltestosterone, which is a pretty toxic steroid, Andriol has never been observed any negative impact on the human body. It is known that most of the drugs adversely affect the liver cells, gradually destroying it. But it's not about Andriol, even though contained in the product testosterone undecanoate. But how? And the fact that this chemical is only absorbed through the intestines and then enters into the lymphatic system without affecting the liver. But that's not the last positive quality possessed by this medicine.

Taking Andriol, absolutely no worries about such side effectsas acne, appearance of gynecomastia, fat accumulation and other unpleasant consequences. And all due to the fact that testosterone undecanoate is nothing more than a complex fatty acid ester such natural hormones, such as testosterone. Getting into the human body, it can be affected by metabolism, and, ultimately, it produces dihydrotestosterone. Therefore, the probability that the Andriol to estrogen which is a female hormone, is very minimal.

It is worth noting another positive quality possessed by this medicine. While taking Andriol the body ceases to produce testosterone. But if you abuse the drug, this process may still be violated.


Despite all these positive qualities possessed Andriol, he will not get a well-deserved popularity. For every disturbing question always have the answers, and this case is no exception to that. Though Andriol is so good, take it to women is strictly prohibited. Why? First, this drug raises blood pressure in women. Secondly, there is a possibility of the development of their hypersexuality. And third, it may be a problem of acne and delay in the body of water. If women so it is contraindicated, why among men it is not as widespread as it deserves, the stories? Probably from the fact that men do not perceive Andriol seriously. What this drug can actually do, so it to increase the potency. This feature of the drug for building mass provided one of bodybuilders, which alsois the winner of the championship of Russia. However, contrary to the received comment, many theorists still continue to claim that Andriol is almost the only medicine which you can use to achieve incredible results. Maybe Andriol and really very effective if you use it in a dose greater than the recommended? But the daily dose so much more than other steroid drugs. This fact creates distrust in men to Andriol.

If you miss the last part of the above written, for the ignorant Andriol may be the best way to build muscle. Did someone on this drug to prepare for the competition is unknown. But it is safe to say that most bodybuilders prefer testosterone propionate, as well as a more expensive drug, the Winstrol. However, if you think of it logically, "unknown" does not mean that with Andriol no one is prepared for the competition. It probably just glossed over.

If you believe the presented information, Andriol comes out of the human body two days later. This property is very suitable for those who have to pass a fairly hard drug test that is mandatory before the competition. However, on more detailed and accurate information about hanging a very dark veil. Even if we assume that Andriol helps to build muscle mass and rather quickly excreted, how much is it necessary to use for obtaining results, making it a rather expensive drug. One bottle that contains 60 capsules 40 mg, costs about $ 60. And the minimum dose of the Andriol is 240 ml, that is 6 capsules. If to count, the result is not very attractive if you consider the fact that maybe not work. But right or wrong, should move on already to the visual characteristics of this drug.

So, capsules Andriol gelatin and should be stored in a cool place. For these purposes, it is best to use the fridge if you do not want the capsule melted. If the capsules Andriol form does not resemble the correct oval, and have any other color but not reddish-brown — dealing with the usual fake. Pay attention to the presence of notches, if you Andriol Italian or French production. On one side of the capsule must be placed three big letters ORG, and with another — DV3. But capsules Andriol Thai and Dutch production can be seen in the two-layer cell strips, which are made of silver foil. On these strips is blue lettering. But in these countries, Andriol sometimesplaced in dark brown bottles.

To get the desired results, Andriol must be taken in accordance with the enclosed instructions. But if cash is a little difficult, this drug can be replaced by cheaper, namely testosterone propionate.

And as a final word I should add that actually Andriol is very popular now among bodibilderov that avoid the consequences resulting from the application of steroid drugs.

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