Home / Tina Andrea (Andreea Tina)

Tina Andrea (Andreea Tina)

Quick stats

  • Age: 30
  • Height: 5’7’ — 170 cm
  • Weight: 129 lbs – 58 kg

Where do you start?

I started from a very early age (5-6 years) gymnastics, this contributed to the formation of my athletic physique from an early age. I stopped going to workout in 13 years, since it became very harmful and skipping school. I did other sports such as tennis, volleyball and basketball in high school and early in his University studies.

When I was approximately 20-21 years I started weight training I soon became "addicted"!

Андреа Тина

How do you motivate yourself?

I'm pretty good motivator for myself and try to motivate others as possible. I very rarely need the "embodiment" of motivation — I love and enjoy what I do so much that when I set myself any goal, be sure it achieve. There will always be UPS and downs, many obstacles, but I think people sometimes give up too quickly.

The real purpose of development mentally, emotionally and spiritually comes when you give up. It takes courage to act, to begin again, to continue to move forward and succeed!

Андреа Тина

What are 3 of your favorite exercises?

  1. Squats: makes No sense to list a million benefits of this exercise; but first make sure you have mastered the proper technique of the squat.
  2. Hyperextension: Probably the most underrated exercise. I love it. While it involved all the back leg muscles: calf, hamstring, glutes, lumbar muscles.
  3. Pull on the bar: the most effective exercise for the upper body. It helps develop strength, endurance, and most importantly, confidence. If you at least once will be able to lift your own body weight, the following approaches will you be easier. This is the fastest way to make a strong and toned upper body, hands and press, pull-UPS will love!

Андреа Тина

The training program/>

Monday: Sprint (running speed short distance) / Chest / Shoulders

  • 20 minutes of running
  • Dumbbell bench press on a flat bench (grip with palms inward so that the palm of your hand "looked" at each other) 4х12
  • Bench standing with shoulders 4х12
  • The hands on the lower block in the standing crossover 3 x 15
  • Lifting dumbbells in hand in the slope 3х15
  • Lifting dumbbells in hand sitting 3х15
  • Breeding hands to the side on the block device in the slope 3х15
  • Thrust rod to the chin 2x15
  • Pumping dumbbells from side to side 2x10

Tuesday: Legs

  • Squats with a barbell on the chest 4x6-8
  • Sissy squats 4x10-12
  • UPS with barbell on step 4х12
  • Squats with dumbbells 4x10
  • Lunges with dumbbells 3х15
  • Lifting on socks donkey 3x25
  • Lifting on socks sitting 3x25
  • Bending with a barbell on the shoulders 3x10
  • Pull cable lying 3x20
  • Twisting on the block 3x20

Wednesday: Stretching/ Yoga

  • 1 hour of yoga

Thursday: Sprint/Buttocks/Press

  • 20 minute sprint (sprints, short distance)
  • Romanian (deadlift) deadlift 4x10
  • Hyperextension 4х12
  • Pull the lower block between the legs 3х15
  • Reverse hyperextension 3х15
  • Abduction legs back in the block 3х15
  • V-neck body lifting 3x20
  • Pull-up leg raises 3x20
  • Diagonal crunches 3x20
  • 3x25 kettlebell swings

Friday: Back/Arms

  • Pull-up narrow grip 3х8
  • Lifting the barbell (wide grip) 3x12
  • Dumbbell pull (to chest) lying on his stomach on the incline bench 3x12
  • Dumbbell pull (to the chest) lying back on an inclined bench at an angle of 45 degrees 3x12
  • Bench press narrow grip 3x12
  • Pull the lower block standing straight up (palms up grip) 3х15
  • French press on the lower unit standing 3х15

Saturday: Legs/ Press

  • The leg extension in the simulator. 5x15.
  • Squats in the simulator gakk on toes 4x10-12
  • The leg press 4x15-20
  • The leg extension in the simulator 6X10
  • The lying leg curl 4×15-20
  • Hard thrust foot 4×10-12
  • Hyperextension 4×15-20
  • Reverse hyperextension 3×10
  • Pull cable lying 3×20
  • Twisting on the block 3×20

Sunday: Rest

  • Recovery / Massage

Андреа Тина

What kind of diet?

As for the food, I can say I adhere to the paleo diet. I am allowing myself "forbidden" foods once a week, then I can eat all I like, but still avoid all the major allegrano. When I prepare for competitions, of course, I have pretty strictly limited.

My body is more suitable high carbohydrate diet with a lowthe amount of fatty foods, such rules I follow. My training usually lasts 12 weeks, I start with consuming large amounts of calories, gradually reducing the calorie content of your diet each week before the competition.

As the portions in the offseason, I don't want to hear about restrictions – I don't weigh portions, just eat as much as you feel necessary. I focus on nutrition to feel healthy, eat healthy fresh foods, securely packaged to preserve its nutritional properties. Preparation for competitions can be difficult for the body, so in the offseason I try to relax a bit, paying more attention to their health and maintain hormonal balance at the same time trying to maintain the body lean and athletically built.

Daily diet:

  • Meal 1: venison steak with nuts
  • Meal 2: salmon and seaweed salad
  • Meal 3: Turkey breast, 250 grams of rice, vegetables, fried in olive oil
  • Meal 4: chargrilled calamari, avocado and flax seeds
  • Meal 5: ostrich steak, 200g of sweet potato (seasoned with cinnamon and Chia seeds), lettuce or spinach salad
  • Meal 6: casein shake, coconut milk, ½ spoon of protein, oats, oatmeal, and a handful of berries

Андреа Тина

Favorite quote:

"On the way to balance, you will find yourself!"

According to the materials: simplyshredded.com