Home / 6-day training program from Arnold Schwarzenegger

6-day training program from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Workout program Arnold Schwarzenegger from his book "modern encyclopedia of bodybuilding".

The first stage includes basic training program:

Monday need to do exercises on the chest, abdominals, back.

On Tuesday you need to do exercises on the shoulders, upper and lower part of the forearm, abs.

Wednesday you need to do exercises for the thigh, Shin, lower back, abdominals.

On Thursday you need to do exercises on the chest, back, abdominals.

On Friday, doing exercises on the shoulders, upper and lower part of the forearm, abs.

On Saturday to do exercises on the thighs, calves, lower back, abdominals.

This program must always run in 5 sets and in each set do 10-12 reps.

The exercises that you need to do Monday and Thursday:

1) Exercises for the chest.

1. On the horizontal bar doing bench press

2. On a flat bench doing bench press

3. In the supine position omit the bent arms with the bar behind your head.

2) Exercises on the back.

1. Do pullups on the bar (to do at first as you can, and then until you reach 50 reps)

2. Do the tilt of the thrust rod to the belt

3. Do deadlift 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 repetitions respectively

3) Exercises on the abdominal muscles

1. Do leg raises 5-6 approaches for 25 reps.

Exercises that should be done on Tuesdays and Fridays:

1) Exercises on the shoulders

1. Raise the bar on your chest and do bench over my head

2. Raise the arms with dumbbells through different directions.

3. Do heavy thrust rod to the chin in a standing position; 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 repetitions respectively.

4. Do the push rods over head; 3 sets of 6, 4, 2 repetitions, respectively.

2) Exercise on the upper part of the forearm.

1. In a standing position bend both arms with a barbell

2. In the sitting position bending of hands with dumbbells

3. On the horizontal bar doing bench press bar narrow griplying

4. In the standing position doing the straightening of the arms at the elbows with a barbell

3) Exercises on the lower part of the forearm.

1. Do flexion of the hand to wrist grip bottom

2. Do flexion of the hand grip on top in the wrists

4) Exercises on the abdominal muscles

1. On incline bench from a prone position make the lifting of the torso; 5 sets of 25 reps

Exercises that you should perform on Wednesday and Saturday:

1) the exercises at the hip.

1. Doing squats

2. Do deep lunges forward

3. Lying on belly, bend knees

2) Exercise on the Shin

1. From a standing position, rise on tiptoe; do 5 sets of 15 reps.

3) Exercises on the lower back

1. Do deadlift on straight legs; 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 reps

2. Do forward bends at the shoulders with a barbell; 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 reps.

4) Exercises on the abdominal muscles

1. Do leg lifts; 5 sets of 25 reps each.

The second stage of exercises includes basic training program:

Monday do exercises on the chest, back, thighs, calves, abdominals.

On Tuesday do exercises on the shoulders, lower back, upper and lower part of the forearm, abs.

On Wednesday, do exercises on the chest, back, thighs, calves, abdominals.

Thursday do exercises on the shoulders, lower back, upper and lower part of the forearm, abs.

On Friday, doing exercises on the chest, back, thighs, calves, abdominals.

Saturday doing exercises on the shoulders, lower back, upper and lower part of the forearm, abs.

In this program you need to perform 5 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Exercises that should be performed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.

1) Exercises for the chest.

1. On the horizontal bar doing bench press

2. On a flat bench doing bench press

3. In the supine position omit the bent arms with the bar behind your head

2) Exercises on the back.

1. Chin-up, (each time perform as many repetitions as you can until the total number reaches 50).

2. In the slope do the thrust rod to the belt

3. Do a deadlift; 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 reps

3) Exercises on thigh

1. Doing squats

2. Lying on her stomach, doing the leg curl

3. Do deep lunges forward

4) Exercise on the Shin

1. In the standing position doing lifts on tiptoe; 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions each

5) Exercises on the abdominal muscles

1. Make lifting the legs; 5 repetitions at 25repetitions

Exercises that should be performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.

1) Exercises on the shoulders

1. Do lifting barbells to your chest and then do bench over my head

2. Through doing the lifting dumbbell

3. In the standing position doing heavy thrust rod to the chin; 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 repetitions

4. Do the push rods over head; 3 sets of 6, 4, 2 repetitions

2) Exercises on the lower back

1. On the straight legs, do deadlifts; 3 sets of 10, 6, 4, repetitions

2. From a standing position do forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders; 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps

3) Exercise on the upper part of the forearm

1. In the standing position do bending hands with a barbell

2. In the sitting position doing the bending of the arms with two dumbbells

3. On the horizontal bar doing bench press lying barbell narrow grip

4. From a standing position do French press

4) Exercises on the lower part of the forearm

1. Grip the bottom make the arms bending in the wrists

2. Grip top to make the arms bending in the wrists

5) Exercises on the abdominal muscles

1. Lying on a flat bench, take a lift of the torso; 5 sets of 25 repetitions.

Think for yourself, will fit you this program or not. From myself I can only say that this program contains many exercises that can be performed per workout. So you should know whether you will be able to train at this rate, if Yes, then proceed. Good luck!

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