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5 tips from Arnold Schwarzenegger

What is a typical American success story, knows Arnold Schwarzenegger, who came to the United States at the age of 21. Then he was a young teenager, he had practically no money, and his ability to speak English left much to be desired.

However, this guy from Austria possessed such qualities as confidence, ambition and hard work. As a result of their grueling training, the endless work Arnold became seven-time winner of the popular contest, "Mr. Olympia". Later Schwarzenegger became one of the most favorite actors for the guys from around the world. He managed to achieve huge success, earn hundreds of millions of dollars, and everything else and become the Governor of California.

At a time when Arnold was engaged in bodybuilding, increasing your muscles with training, people knew little about what technique is better to use during class. That is why many old school bodybuilding, most often, were related to the success of a famous athlete.

In the modern world the situation has changed dramatically. Today, thanks to numerous studies, we know what tactics training should be applied and why it should be done. There was a whole science of bodybuilding, which helps us to understand all this.

This article aims to help you to understand what was the key to success for Arnold in bodybuilding. Here we look at some tips from the famous actor, former Governor, businessman and a successful person, Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Arnold often in my practice has used this technique as a pump. This technique is a physical exercise, after which the muscles as if torn. People have the feeling that his muscles immediately become huge, pumping blood.

This state can be achieved best when you are performing multiple sets with lots of repetitions, which can even reach up to 40-50.

The process is as follows: the human veins are squeezed by shrinking the muscles. The task of veins is to carry blood from the working muscles. The artery does not cease to supply the muscles with blood, thereby increasing the number of intramuscular blood plasma. These plasma and penetrate through the capillaries into the space between the muscle cells and blood vessels (it staging area).

Fluid accumulates in the intermediate region, thereby creating a difference of pressure between the intercellular space and the pressure inside the cell. Because of this difference, the plasmaagain seeps into the muscles. The result of this process one – blood accumulates in muscles, causing them to swell and. It's very simple and proven by science.

In the famous movie "Pumping Iron" Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke about the pump as follows: a feeling when the pump is the feeling that you get a real buzz. For example, in the gym you pump the muscles. During exercise the muscles become so rigid that there are thoughts, that skin's going to burst. This is the greatest feeling you can imagine.

Most people believe that pumping is a temporary state of man, it's just his feelings. But we should recognize that this opinion is not entirely true. Was conducted research, which showed that protein synthesis is stimulated hydrated cell, which, moreover, still inhibits the process of decomposition of proteins.

Based on this, we can conclude that the muscle hypertrophy is largely dependent on protein balance. So, it is possible to synthesize more muscle protein than you break down it, and your muscles will grow.

How is it to explain the hypertrophy induced swelling? Here all is banal simply – when in the muscle tissue increases the amount of fluid it leads to a stretching of the cell membrane. Muscles trying, as it were, to protect themselves from such attacks on their integrity. As a result, the structure of the muscles is strengthened and enhanced.

Unfortunately, even modern technology is not yet able to determine whether the pump leads to an anabolic effect. However, there are some reasons to say so. And, in the end, Arnold Schwarzenegger believed it, and now we see the result.

Often the condition of the pump can be achieved by performing exercises with short amplitude and a slightly increased speed. The conclusion is that if you have the desire to build muscle, don't be afraid to use in their training this technique as a pump.

2.Focus on their muscles

Arnold Schwarzenegger adhered to the view that training are not trivial lift of weight from one point to another. According to the famous athlete, weights are designed to achieve the ultimate goal. The most important thing during training – this is how decreasing your muscles.

Strange as it may sound, but Arnold believed that between the brain and the muscles there is a close relationship, which is developing, it is possible for a short time to pump up his muscles. During exercise should always be thinking about your muscles, the process of their work. Thus, the state of the muscles will be improving everyagain, this theory is confirmed by numerous studies.

The experiment was carried out in which several people were involved. Group wanting to meet the two approach exercise. Then they were given to rest, after which they had to begin to exercise. Only this time they were given clear instructions on what to pay special attention to what to do.

The results of electromyography, it became clear that human muscle was significantly increased during the second workout when I was involved in communication "brain-muscle". Speaking in plain language, the muscles grow much faster when you focus on working on it.

For best results, be better not to think about where you feel maximum tension of muscles, but about where you should feel the tension.

For example, you are craving a vertical block to the chest. In this case, you need to focus on lowering the weight down, including in the work only the muscles of the upper back. Think about your muscles until, until it reaches the bottom point of the movement. At the end you can compress the blades together, and you will feel like there is a reduction in the lateral muscles.

When you release the weight, the broadest muscles must resist the force of gravity weight. Finishing the exercise, you should have the feeling of the widest stretching of the muscles. If this happens, immediately start new repetitions of the exercise. You again concentrate your thoughts, thus, increasing the muscle stimulation.

It is worth noting that the research was conducted on several groups of muscles. The results of the experiments showed the same: to focus on a particular muscle group will directly affect their growth.

Of course, not always easy to think of mice of the back, shoulders, etc. Much easier to focus on the muscles of the legs and hands. However, you should not give up, keep practicing and success will come with time.

3. Imagine in your mind the muscles

During training Schwarzenegger has often used this technique as a visualization. In my mind Arnold was represented, what should be its muscle in the end. He also mentally imagined should look like his muscles at the end of another workout.

Popular American actor once told about the technique of inflating the muscles of the hands. He said that during every workout imagined his biceps becoming powerful, huge. In his mind he raised an enormous weight, imagining himself to be Superman.

A little later reception of the visualisation has been approved from the point of view of the science of bodybuilding. It has been proven that visualization is capable ofto improve the motor skills of a person when he was not even doing any exercise.

To explain this phenomenon is quite difficult and I'm sure that nobody can do. However, there are some theories that explain the positive effect of the use of visualization techniques. They say that during the occurrence of mental image in human mind, he immediately aktiviziruyutsya motor pathways in the same extent as in the normal performance of the movement by a physical method.

Moreover, experiments have shown that the visualization, as well as practical exercises, lead to the same neurological changes. While scientists have been unable to find consensus, because there is the assumption that such changes occur in different parts of the brain.

Today it has been proved that visualization has a positive effect on exercises with weights. One of the most recent studies was struck by literally the whole world. According to the results, the athletes were able to increase the ability to achieve maximum contraction of the muscles only through the fact that during the holidays visualize in your mind, how do they do that particular exercise.

Moreover, study participants were able to significantly increase the number of repetitions after using the technique of visualization. This leads to one conclusion: mental visualization of the process of training itself can greatly improve the athlete's ability.

The positive effects of visualization in building muscle is often explained by improving neuromuscular connections. Perhaps this is the case, although there is another reason for such effect is a motivation that can be enhanced by the visualization process. Then the motivation helps to achieve the best results.

From all the above, remember – you must create a mental image of how you pumped up your muscles. Really imagine how to grow your muscles and become huge during the workout. The result will not keep itself waiting long.

4.Posing as much as you can

Almost all videos on Schwarzenegger, you can see a young Arnold posing in front of a mirror. He took postures not only after training but also during exercise between sets.

He posed one in front of the mirror, posed along with other athletes, taking positions for a movie, etc. for Example, in the movie "Pumping Iron" American actor posed with Franco in the shower, in Venice, he was posing with famous athletes from gyms Gold's Gym. And it wasn't just the desire of Arnold show that he inflated the guy. Schwarzenegger did it deliberately, believing that it makes his muscles more firm anddurable.

Of course, Arnold participated in various competitions, and it was important to improve the skill of presentation. Because many of the bodybuilders in competitions to win only because better demonstrated the beauty of their muscles than other athletes.

However, Arnold was convinced that posing also promotes the growth and strengthening his muscles. In his opinion, posing is conducive to achieve its best results. Apparently, even then, Schwarzenegger knew that there's scientific evidence.

Dr. Mel Siff, who published his unique work "Superradiance", concluded that the posing really brings huge benefits. According to him, the pose is the same exercise, only without load.

Today this topic is still under study, however, there is already some data supporting the fact that posing has a positive effect on muscle growth.

There is a version that the adoption of postures improves neuromuscular control, so they develop a connection, which we have already mentioned in this article – communication "brain-muscle". Regular exercise contribute to the fact that a person learns to minimize their muscles. And this, in turn, helps to generate immense power in the process of working approaches.

In addition, the model helps to focus on a specific muscle during subsequent exercise. So never be afraid and do not hesitate to pose. This is not simple bragging of guys who want to show off in front of girls or other young people. Posing – a lot of strong people striving to achieve this goal.

Posing as much time as you can. Let it be few minutes or several times a day, but make it mandatory.

5. Develop muscle mass

According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, training bodybuilders and powerlifters should be largely different from each other. He believed that bodybuilders have to have and use in your Arsenal of various training techniques. They can vary depending on the individual qualities of a person, depending on the complexity of the exercises, etc., Arnold was of the opinion that the ideal physique can be achieved through strength training. Of course, there are many other techniques and methods, but strength training is considered to be one of the most important to achieve this goal. Schwarzenegger said that the basis of bodybuilding is the development of muscle mass, which is achieved through lifting the maximum weight.

How this statement is used in practice, Arnold? Much time the athlete has paid longtraining sessions. During the training process it gradually went from an average number of repetitions for greater using quite a light weight for him. Such training he did four times a week.

The remaining two days devoted to strength training. During these workouts, Arnold rocked a certain group of muscles as if to test its endurance. For example, testing the endurance of your quads, the sportsman was doing squats, checking the strength of the pectoral muscles, he was doing the bench press. Thanks to such tactics, Arnold Schwarzenegger managed to achieve excellent results and set many personal records.

So, for many, remains unknown the fact that in 1964 and 1965, Arnold won two weightlifting competitions. And it's the athlete, the bodybuilder, who is not specialized in weightlifting. Great results: best in the bench press barbell standing – 120 kg in the snatch – 110 kg, bench press – 200 kg, deadlift – 308 kg. Such results can only wonder and admire.

According to some studies, exercise with small and medium number of repetitions is more effective than with a high number of repetitions. The average number of repetitions is around 8-12 times. At the same time, other studies show that training with high reps using light weight in the same degree useful that training with heavy weight. Although this is more true for those people who just started to play sports.

In any case, a light weight can not be neglected. Moreover, for best results it is recommended to combine light weight with heavy. You should also vary the number of repetitions from low to medium, from medium to high.


No doubt, Arnold Schwarzenegger has achieved great success in their lives. And there are not so many people who will be able to repeat the success of a teenager from Austria. Although in reality, nothing is impossible. There is even an expression that success is seeking someone who finds the best way in order to achieve the best results.

As mentioned above, Arnold in his youth a lot of things they could not prove from the scientific point of view. But continued to do the exercises, feeling that it contributes to the growth and strengthening of his muscles. If some technique or technique worked, Arnold has incorporated them into his Arsenal. Thus, the athlete used a method of trial and error, learning on their own and others ' mistakes. All the technology he used in practice, learning from their own experience that helps it to quickly increase your muscles.

Therefore, such success can make you. Don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraidto try new techniques. Remember the first appointment of Arnold Schwarzenegger – pumping. Exercise to stop until you feel that your muscles as if torn. Concentrate on the muscles, mentally represent their work, how they grow and expand. Do not forget to pose in front of a mirror, in front of friends, during training, after them, all the time, when given the opportunity. And finally, to develop muscle mass.

Listen to the above tips and you will be able to achieve great success in your training.